Welcome to Grace Bible Church!
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” 1 Thess 5:28
WNL! Restarts January 8th!
ESL Restarts January 16th!
Wednesday Night Live! (K – 12th Grade)
The goal of WNL is to equip and encourage parents in family discipleship while engaging children and students with the gospel. Every Wednesday from 6:45-8 PM, in Fellowship Hall. Each week will include interactive Bible stories, games, activities, fun, and fellowship. You can register your child through the registration form below.
Our Services and Schedule:
Sunday School for all ages: 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship service: 10:30 AM
In person and online
Sunday evening service: 6:00 PM
In person and online
Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer: 6:45 PM
Morning Worship -January 19- 10:30 AM
Message: “Waiting Well”
Text: Acts 1:12-26
Between Jesus ’ascension and the promise of the Holy Spirit’s coming, the disciples find themselves in a season of waiting.
What were they doing during this time, and what can we learn about waiting well from their example?
Evening Service – January 19 – 6:00 PM
Message: “Of Liars and Leaders”
Text: Jeremiah 23
This chapter focuses on the failed leadership of the shepherds of Judah – and also on the failures of the lying prophets.
What kind of leader is God going to raise up instead?
Our Sermons
Our Sunday morning sermons are uploaded weekly.
Our Mission Statement
Who we are.
Our Statement of Faith
Our beliefs.
Contact Us
Have questions?
Memory Verse for the Month
“But you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,
and you will be my witnesses
in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
Wednesday Night Live!
Wednesday Night Live (K – 5th Grade)
The goal of WNL is to equip and encourage parents in family discipleship while engaging children and students with the gospel. WNL will begin on January 8, and continue every Wednesday from 6:30-8 PM, in Fellowship Hall. Each week will include interactive Bible stories, games, activities, fun, and fellowship. You can register your child through the registration form below.
If you have questions, please contact Pastor Jason.